We are an office specialized in International Law based in England, globally serving Brazilians living abroad
We are an office specialized in International Law based in England, globally serving Brazilians living abroad
We are an office specialized in International Law based in England, globally serving Brazilians living abroad
We are an office specialized in International Law based in England, globally serving Brazilians living abroad
Legal solutions for Brazilians abroad
We are an office specializing in International Law, based in England. We service globally Brazilians who live abroad.
Check out our areas of activity below.
Areas of expertise
We have the knowledge and skills necessary to deal with inter-jurisdictional issues. We are ready to assist you on issues involving different nationalities, residences and legal systems.
Família e Sucessão
Mediação e Conciliação
Notarial, Registral
e Documentos
We work with transparency, ethics and commitment of a service with excellence
Erica Guglielmi
Over 15 years of experience, has differentiated expertise in the area of International Notarial Lawl, with constant updating on issues involving the application of international rules and conventions.
She is a qualified lawyer in Brazil, registered with the São Paulo Bar Association under nº 271.210, in Portugal, registered with the Bar Association - Lisbon Regional Council - under nº 66214L and at England, registered with the SRA - Solicitors Regulation Authority - as a foreign lawyer, under number 7022760. Membership of The Law Society and Liverpool Law Society.
Advogada qualificada no Brasil, em Portugal e registrada como advogada estrangeira na Inglaterra. Vice presidente da ABA - Comissão de Advogados na Europa.
Participando de reuniões importantes e firmando parcerias estratégicas.
Liderança inspiradora, visão de futuro e sempre em busca do aprimoramento contínuo.
Advogada qualificada no Brasil, em Portugal e registrada como advogada estrangeira na Inglaterra. Vice presidente da ABA - Comissão de Advogados na Europa.
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